Wild Turkey Cacciatore with Brown Rice

Game Recipe: Wild Turkey Cacciatore with Brown Rice

Mar 31, 2020

This recipe is courtesy of The Outdoors Chef. Go check them out for more mouth-watering meals geared exclusively towards rugged outdoorsmen and women such as yourselves.

Turkey season is fast approaching and our excitement for getting back outdoors is nearing a fever pitch! Are you growing bored with the same old roasted turkey meals? Why not use these remaining few days to learn a killer new recipe? That way, when you bag your first bird, you’ll be all ready to slaughter, prep, cook, and enjoy.

Yields 4-8 servings. (Cacciatore is Italian for “hunter.”)


  • 2 Wild Turkey Breasts—Pat dry with paper towel
  • 2 Wild Turkey Thighs—Pat dry with paper towel
  • 8 Roma Tomatoes—Stem, quarter, and large dice
  • 1 Yellow Onion—Trim, peel, and thinly slice
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper–Trim, core, and thinly slice
  • 1 Yellow Bell Pepper—Trim, core, and thinly slice
  • 1 Orange Bell Pepper—Trim, core, and thinly slice
  • 9 oz (250g) White or Cremini Mushrooms—Brush, clean, trim stem, and quarter
  • 4 Garlic Cloves—Trim, peel, and finely slice
  • 2 tbsp Tomato Paste
  • 2 cups (500ml) Pilsner Beer
  • 2 cups (500ml) Chicken or Vegetable Stock
  • 2 pcs. Fresh Rosemary—Rinse, strip leaves, and finely chop
  • 2 pcs. Fresh Oregano—Rinse, strip leaves, and finely chop (plus a bit more for garnish)
  • 2 pcs. Fresh Bay Leaves
  • 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • All-Purpose Flour (as needed)
  • Flaked Sea Salt (to taste)
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper (to taste)


  1. Preheat cast iron casserole pan or slow cooker, dredge turkey in flour, season with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat olive oil, sauté turkey in batches, start skin-side down, sauté until golden brown, turn and repeat.
  3. Remove turkey and set aside, reserve any juices, spoon off any excess fat.
  4. Add onion, peppers, mushrooms, and garlic, season with salt and pepper, sauté until nicely browned.
  5. Move vegetables to one side of the pan, add tomato paste to the bottom of the pan, sauté until nicely browned.
  6. Stir to combine ingredients, de-glaze pan with beer, add tomatoes, stock, rosemary, oregano, and bay leaves.
  7. Return the turkey to the pan, nestle in the vegetables, cover pan and simmer for 30 minutes, check seasoning.
  8. Uncover and continue to simmer until the turkey is tender and sauce is reduced to a velvety consistency.
  9. Serve with brown rice, fresh ground black pepper, and fresh oregano.

Make your kill with Wasp

Strike fear in the eyes of turkeys everywhere and take them down with deadly precision. Wasp broadheads are the only tips you can trust to make sure your main ingredient doesn’t get away. Shop our products today to ensure you’re running with the ideal turkey hunting setup for the coming season.

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